Reporting on Muslims and Islam: Local Journalism Toolkit

What is the local journalism toolkit?

The aim of this toolkit is to support both local journalists and Muslim communities to work together improve how stories on Muslims and Islam are reported on a local level.

Why do we need it?

Research shows that there can be a negative bias against Muslims in media reporting. Local journalism often provides a different angle to the national media by providing fairer, more balanced coverage.

Who is it for?

The toolkit is primarily for local journalists and Muslim communities across the UK, but can be resource for national and online journalists as well as others aiming to redress imbalances within media coverage.

How to use the

The toolkit is designed to be interactive and intuitive. Click on the get started section below to work your way through the toolkit, or simply click on the section that you feel is most relevant to you to get information more tailored to your experience.

Welcome to the Local Journalism Toolkit for Reporting on Muslims and Islam

In a world that’s increasingly interconnected, bridging gaps and fostering understanding is more important than ever. The Local Journalism Toolkit for Reporting on Muslims and Islam brings together the power of local journalism and the richness of Muslim communities to create fairer, more nuanced news coverage of Muslims and Islam.

Why use this toolkit?

  • Collaboration: We facilitate collaboration between local journalists and Muslim communities, ensuring that stories are told from a perspective that respects the nuances of faith, culture, and identity.
  • Inclusivity: Our toolkit promotes a more inclusive and diverse media landscape, where every voice is heard, and every story is valued.
  • Empowerment: We empower journalists with resources and knowledge to engage with local Muslim communities in an ethical and meaningful way, fostering trust and building stronger, more accurate narratives.

What You’ll Find Here

  • Toolkit: Access resources, including guides, best practices, and case studies, to enhance the quality and fairness of your local news coverage.
  • Community: Join a vibrant community of journalists, community leaders, and storytellers who are passionate about making a difference in the way Muslim stories are told
  • Stories: Explore impactful stories and projects that showcase the positive outcomes of collaboration between local journalists and Muslim communities.

Be a part of our mission to shape a more inclusive and informed media landscape. Together, we can rewrite the narrative and bridge communities through fair and equitable local news coverage.

Click on the get started section below to work your way through the toolkit, or navigate straight to the right section to get the information you need.